Barriers and facilitators of technological eco-innovations: a multilevel analysis in a Brazilian cosmetics company


  • Franciany Cristiny Venâncio Dugonski Business School, Universidade Positivo, Curitiba
  • Cleonir Tumelero Business School, Universidade Positivo, Curitiba



Eco-innovation, Green innovation, Technological innovation, Multilevel analysis, Cosmetics


Purpose – This study analyzed the multilevel barriers and facilitators of technological eco-innovations. Design/methodology/approach – The authors carried out an in-depth case study in a Brazilian cosmetics company, recognized for its eco-innovative initiatives, which has the technological eco-innovation of products as a central sustainability strategy. Findings – The results contribute to the existing literature, showing that multilevel analysis is effective for minimizing barriers and increasing facilitators, especially through the company’s adoption of an ecoinnovation strategy and planning methodologies. The authors identified four groups of barriers: market, raw material, governmental and company’s internal factors; and four groups of facilitators: legislation, market and technological innovation, communication and environmental management. Originality/value – The original research results contribute both to the literature and to the companies that aim to implement eco-innovative measures. The results showed that the adoption of innovation strategies and planning methodologies by the company can minimize barriers and enhance facilitators. In addition the fact is that barriers and facilitators of implementing eco-innovations are dynamic factors that require continuous monitoring since they can be a barrier in one circumstance and a facilitator in another.


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Como Citar

Barriers and facilitators of technological eco-innovations: a multilevel analysis in a Brazilian cosmetics company. (2022). INMR - Innovation & Management Review, 19(3), 237-251.