National culture and innovation: a multidimensional analysis
Innovation, National cultureResumo
Purpose – This study aims to examine the relationships between the different national culture dimensions
presented by Hofstede and innovation data by country to analyze which characteristics of national culture
dimensions contribute to the country becoming more innovative.
Design/methodology/approach – The study is characterized as descriptive and quantitative, using
multiple linear regression equations as data analysis technique. To carry out the analysis, this study made use
of secondary data from Hofstede’s national culture database, data on innovation indicators from the Global
Innovation Index and population data from the World Bank database. The analysis comprises data from 2015
to 2018.
Findings – National culture affects innovation rates positively. The most favorable situation to boost
innovation is when there is a low distance from power, high individualism, femininity characteristics, low
aversion to uncertainty, long-term orientation and a higher level of indulgence.
Originality/value – The temporal analysis comprises a wider list of countries from all continents, which
had not been considered in previous studies.
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