Integrated co-creation process with multiple stakeholders in innovation networks


  • Sergio Takahashi Faculty of Economics, Admnistration and Accounting of Ribeir~ao Preto, University of S~ao Paulo, S~ao Paulo
  • Vania Passarini Takahashi Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences of Ribeirão Preto, University of São Paulo, São Paulo



Co-creation, Multiple stakeholders, Innovation network, Dynamic capabilities, Participation design


Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to study the organizational processes in co-creation with multiple
stakeholders within the scope of innovation networks. It consists of analyzing the necessary adaptation of
organizational processes and to structure a proposal of an integrated process.
Design/methodology/approach – This paper is a review article, an analysis of relevant articles in the areas
of co-creation with multiple stakeholders, innovation networks, dynamic capabilities and organizational
aspects linked to network organization which reflect on the main differences by relating them to the relevant
Findings – Identification of related processes: Innovation development, knowledge integration/sharing, Coevolution, Value Co-creation, Value Capture, Stakeholders capabilities, and elements of an integrated process in
an innovation network.
Originality/value – Proposition of an integrated co-creation process with multiple stakeholders in an
innovation network based on dynamic capabilities with the elements of literature and an analysis of the model
variables. This process makes it possible, before reconfiguring the network itself, to create and to define the
Project in an integrated manner. They also promote an evolution in the commitment, in the relationship and in
the sharing of knowledge among the stakeholders and in the anticipation and evaluation by the stakeholders.


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