Technological innovation system in agribusiness: motors and evolution
Technological innovation system, Agribusiness; Sustainability, Innovation motorsResumo
PurposeThis paper aims to analyze the evolution and interaction over time of the functions of a technological innovation system (TIS) based on the concept of an innovation motor.
Design/methodology/approachIt is a case study of the innovation system associated with the technology for producing cage-free pullets for laying eggs in Pelotas/Rio Grande do Sul (RS).
FindingsThe motors proposed by the TIS approach evolve sequentially and are associated with cumulative causality mechanisms. The study's results identified two functionalities: analysis of the chain as a whole and coordination of the actors involved in the system. The study's results also identified the presence of inflection points at the beginning of each of the motors.
Research limitations/implicationsThe absence of a more accurate detailing of the market motor in discussions of the evolution of the motors and functions of TIS cage free Pelotas.
Practical implicationsInnovation Motors as a new guiding approach for participatory innovation initiatives in rural areas.
Originality/valueApplication of the TIS approach in agribusiness and proposition of two new functions for motor analysis, in addition to including inflection points as activation triggers in the evolution between motors.
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