Uma aplicação da teoria da decisão ao estudo da localização industrial


  • Antonio R.N. Muscat Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade
  • Marcos Cortez Campomar Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade
  • Ruy Aguiar da Silva Leme Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade



The purpose of this work was to study plant location regarding transportation entailed to location trees; it was analyzed the case where there is uncertainty in one of the determinant variables of that decision, or the rate referring to the transportation of raw materials. The development of the various parts of the work has been done based on a numerical example. The • classical method used in solving a problem without uncertainty is the Cutting Method, which was first presented here. The solution of the problem with uncertainty is done through the use of decision trees, which allows also the study of the information value about raw materials transportation rate, where we initially only know the probability density function. The example with uncertainty was solved initially for the case in which the decision maker is indiferent about the risk, following the case in which he is risk adverse. Involvements about the decision of the location, as a function of the behavior of the decision maker, was pointed out in the work.


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Como Citar

Uma aplicação da teoria da decisão ao estudo da localização industrial. (1978). Revista De Administração, 13(3), 63-95.