Affirmative Actions, Justice and Equality


  • Clèmerson Merlin Clève Foi Professor de Direito Internacional Público na UFPR (1986 a 1989); Procurador do Estado do Paraná (1986 a 2009) e Procurador da República (1990 a 1992). Foi também Coordenador (1992 a 1994) e Vice-Diretor (1992 a 1996) do Curso de Direito da Universidade Federal do Paraná, Juiz Substituto do Tribunal Regional Eleitoral do Paraná (1999 a 2000) e Consultor do Relator da Constituinte Estadual do Paraná (1989).



reserve of justice, affirmative actions, constitutional principle of equality.


Based on the principle of reserve of justice in constitutional Brazilian order, this article will analysis the affirmative actions instrumental and their relations with the substantive dimension from the principle of equality. In a first moment, it questions the fairness in affirmative actions, pointed out some theories of justice compatible with constitutional Brazilian order. In sequence, it briefly exposes the affirmative actions history in United States, as well make references from the judgment made in Brazil in ADPF 186 and 12.711/2012 Law. Besides, it exposes that there are different instruments to promote equality, discoursing about the legislation in respect of people with disabilities and the question about different genre quotes in politics. It exposes the bases of constitutional principle of equality and justification to do positive discriminations. Finally, it advocates the adoption of affirmative actions, defending that they fit the justice values secured by the Constitution.


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How to Cite

Affirmative Actions, Justice and Equality. (2016). Revista Digital De Direito Administrativo, 3(3), 542-557.