Neoliberal State: freedom, individuality and the capital system expansion




Nation, Capitalism, Neoliberalism, Society


The conformation of what is understood by the State today took place in the 19th century when the structures of its affirmation have been settled on the European continent. Over the course of more than a century of its performance as an actor in the international system, it is possible to realize several changes in its structure and in its forms of regulation, action, and standardization that certainly impacted the social, political, institutional, legal conformation, territorial and economic structures that have been established today. The purpose of this paper aims to: to argue a transformation of the State throughout the 20th century, from a Welfare State to a new form, the neoliberal State and how this has impacted the social relations, by exacerbating a new type of socialization, whom is a selfish and mercantile individuality, with the omission of social classes and the rising up of the consumer, update the debate on the conformation and structuring of the neoliberal State via co-option of policy by capitalist agents and the transformation of politics, standardization and state regulation into possibilities of expanding the market and expanding the capital system, given that the mercatilization of everything with life is the motto; and, finally, showing current cases, in order to prehend the situation perpetrated by the Neoliberal State, pass through into the field of interpretation and analyzed to get clear the whole scenario, with the losses of social solidarity, social inequalities recrudescense at different spheres of life.


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How to Cite

Souza Júnior, E. L. (2022). Neoliberal State: freedom, individuality and the capital system expansion. Revista Do Departamento De Geografia, 42, e189974 .