O pecador — para sagrada comunhão: reconstituition of Florêncio José Ferreira Coutinho ́s work

Reconstituição da obra de Florêncio José Ferreira Coutinho


  • Fernando Emboaba Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte




Florêncio José Ferreira Coutinho, music theory, editing score, musicology, brazilian colonial period


As an integral and inherent part of the musicological activity, the recovery and restoration of manuscripts is one that arouses great fascination for the researcher, fostered by the discovery of diferente historical perspectives and the dissemination of an often forgotten past. With that in mind, we turn into the reconstituition and editing of a Florêncio José Ferreira Coutinhos’s manuscript -  composer in several brotherhoods, acting concurrently with military activity originating from the Regimentos dos Dragões, in the last quarter of the 18th century and the beginning of the 19th century in Vila Rica – current Ouro Preto (State of Minas Gerais) -  belonging to the score collection of the Museu da Inconfidência, Anexo III – Casa do Pilar, named O pecador – Para sagrada Comunhão. In short, through na exploratory researsh with documental procedures, this article intente to remount the entire reconstitution process of the manuscript, form our first contact with the document to its analysis and editing, punctuating the musicological decisions we faced until its conclusion.


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How to Cite

O pecador — para sagrada comunhão: reconstituition of Florêncio José Ferreira Coutinho ́s work: Reconstituição da obra de Florêncio José Ferreira Coutinho. (2021). Revista Da Tulha, 7(1), 33-78. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2447-7117.rt.2021.188213