Negotiation and conflict in International Law: five thousand years registered in history


  • Paulo Borba Casella Universidade de São Paulo. Faculdade de Direito



Negotiation, Conflict, International Law, Rhetoric, Speech, War and peace


‘Negotiation’ and ‘conflict’ are essential terms to summarize, in few words, the sense of the evolution of International Law. Along the complex, long and diversified way of the History of Humankind, International Law extends its scope along more than five thousand years, since the first historical records exist. Not by chance, International Law was present and necessary, as much to conduct diverging positions, aiming to reach settlement, if not friendly, at least peaceful – in all possible areas of ‘negotiation’. Since time immemorial and everywhere, International Law is present and has an important role to play, when such ‘peaceful’ devices, be they legal or diplomatic, do not manage to handle outstanding issues (“jus ad bellum”), and may lead to the necessity of going beyond same, towards dives for coping with the confrontation of divergences, which may reach the extreme situation of war (“jus in bello”) – limited by International Law in force to cases of “legitimate defense”, as regulated by art. 51 of the UNO Charter. As in other fields of knowledge and of human activity, concepts have to be precisely stated also in International Law: clearly defined concepts are needed to be effectively understood and applied. As already warned by Thucydides (c. 465 – c. 395 b.C.), in his History of the do Peloponnesian war, “the normal sense of the words, in connection with acts, changes according to the whimsicalities of men”.


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Author Biography

  • Paulo Borba Casella, Universidade de São Paulo. Faculdade de Direito

    Professor Titular de Direito Internacional Público, presidente da Comissão de publicação da Revista da FDUSP. Presidente do IDIRI – Instituto de Direito Internacional e Relações Internacionais de São Paulo. Coordenador do núcleo de Direito Internacional da ESA – Escola Superior da Advocacia da OAB, São Paulo.


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Academic Papers

How to Cite

Negotiation and conflict in International Law: five thousand years registered in history. (2019). Revista Da Faculdade De Direito, Universidade De São Paulo, 114, 185-230.