Communication, consumption and entertainment: the diegetic construction of the Apple brand in the movie Jobs


  • Beatriz Braga Bezerra Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing



Communication, Consumption, Entertainment, Advertising, Cinema


Advertising strategies aim to persuade consumers about a product or service; the film is premised entertainment, but also informs and can defend an idea or concept. The changing profile of consumers, increasingly critical and having different technologies that change their social practices – for advertising and film – makes the persuasive messages are reset before the public and its requirements, including the film universe as a filed to be increasingly enhanced. That said, the work aims to investigate the diegetic construction inserted brands in movies, watching how the information concerning the product or service are used in the plots. To achieve this goal, we analyze the movie Jobs (2013) directed by Joshua Michael Stern, aiming to dissect parts and establish connections with the referenced theories.


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Author Biography

  • Beatriz Braga Bezerra, Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing
    Student at Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing.


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Referências audiovisuais

JOBS. Joshua Michael Stern, Estados Unidos, 2013.



How to Cite

Communication, consumption and entertainment: the diegetic construction of the Apple brand in the movie Jobs. (2016). Significação: Journal of Audiovisual Culture, 43(45), 325-339.