Historicity of cinema


  • Jacques Rancière Universidade de Paris VIII




history, cinema, Jacques Rancière, aesthetic regime.


This article of Jacques Rancière, originally published in 1998 in the book De l’histoire au cinéma, organized by Antoine de Baecque and Christian Delage, covers the historicity of the cinema, since this historicity is closely related to the “aesthetic regime of art,” which is a regime of comprehension of art, in its distinction between sensible and thinkable. Cinema, analyzed within the “aesthetic regime,” relates to its historicity because it is intertwined in three senses of the word “history”: type of plot in which a movie is made up, function of memorialization that it accomplishes, and the way it certifies a participation in a common destiny.


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Author Biography

  • Jacques Rancière, Universidade de Paris VIII

    Filósofo e professor emérito da Universidade de Paris VIII. Atualmente tem dedicado seu trabalho à compreensão das
    relações entre estética e política. Autor de A partilha do sensível, O espectador emancipado e O destino das imagens.


BAILLY, A. Dictionnaire grec-français. Paris: Hachette, 1935. Disponível em: <https://goo.gl/B3dKKw>. Acesso em: 17 out. 2017.

EPSTEIN, J. Écrits sur le cinéma:. 1920-1953. Paris: Seghers, 1975. 2 v.

FAURE, É. Fonction du cinema: de la cineplastique a son destin social. Paris: Gonthier, 1953.

MICHELSON, A. Kino-Eye: the writings of Dziga Vertov. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1984.

RANCIÈRE, J. La nuit des prolétaires: archives du rêve ouvrier. Paris: Fayard, 1981.

______. Os nomes da história: um ensaio poético do saber. Tradução Eduardo Guimarães e Eni Orlandi. São Paulo: EDUC; Pontes, 1994.

SCHNAPPER, L. “Histoire de la musique: chanter la romance”. Napoleonica: La Revue, Paris, v. 7, n. 1, p. 3-20, 2010. Disponível em: <https://goo.gl/6ZrgcA>. Acesso em: 17 out. 2017.

VERTOV, D. Articles, journaux, projets. Tradução Sylviane Mossé e Andrée Robel. Paris: Union Générale d'Editions, 1972.

Referências audiovisuais

COEUR Fidèle. Jean Epstein, França, 1923.

HISTOIRE(S) du Cinéma. Jean-Luc Godard, França, 1998.

LA Roue. Abel Gance, França, 1923.

LEVEL Five. Chris Marker, França, 1997.

LISTEN to Britain. Humphrey Jennings, Reino Unido, 1941.

LONDON Can Take It. Humphrey Jennings, Reino Unido, 1940.

WHILE the City Sleeps (No silêncio de uma cidade). Fritz Lang, Estados Unidos, 1956.



How to Cite

Rancière, J. (2017). Historicity of cinema. Significação: Journal of Audiovisual Culture, 44(48), 245-263. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2316-7114.sig.2017.133369