Points of view on people and race in Brazilian cinematographic field during the 1950s: the thesis of Solano Trindade and Nelson Pereira dos Santos
Brazilian Cinema, intellectuals, race, ethnicityAbstract
This article aims to address two thesis presented in the Congress of the Brazilian Film in the 1950s to relate them to the beggining of formation of the Brazilian cinematographic field. More precisely, we will analyze Folclore e Cinema, thesis defended by Solano Trindade in the I Congresso Nacional do Cinema Brasileiro; and O problema do conteúdo no cinema brasileiro, presented by Nelson Pereira dos Santos in the I Congresso Paulista do Cinema Brasileiro. From them, we will analyze which images of Brazilian people these thesis articulated in their defenses. Our hypothesis is that, in order to use Gilberto Freyre’s ideas, these intellectuals chose the image of the Brazilian people as a racially, ethnically and culturally heterogeneous people, but in the process of integration. This is not to say that they only reproduce these ideas, but actively used in shaping the habitus of cinematographic field at that time.
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