Política de redução de danos e o cuidado à pessoa em situação de rua





Education, Harm Reduction, Care, Homeless People


Objective: Promote moments of Mental Health Permanent Education about care for a homeless person and Harm Reduction. Methods: Intervention research developed with 12 professionals of Homeless Person Specialized Reference Center and Psychosocial Care Center Alcohol and other Drugs, having Marguerez Arc as reference. Results: Challenges related with stigma appeared; autonomy strengthening and intersectoral articulation fragility. We also mentioned the partnership with specialized service, Mental Health Interdisciplinary League and Residency. We also promoted theoretical-reflexive moments and a care flux construction. Conclusion: We understand the importance of critical conscience activities with professionals aiming to improve care related to Harm Reduction.


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How to Cite

Viana, L. S., Oliveira, E. N., Costa, M. S. A., Aguiar, C. C., Moreira, R. M. M., & Cunha, A. A. (2020). Política de redução de danos e o cuidado à pessoa em situação de rua. SMAD Revista Eletrônica Saúde Mental Álcool E Drogas (Edição Em Português), 16(2), 57-65. https://doi.org/10.11606//issn.1806-6976.smad.2020.157479