Mindfulness, health promotion, and semiotics: Bases for communication models in online health





Mindfulness, Online, Discursive Semiotics, Health Promotion


Objetictive: to analyze an online course on health promotion based on mindfulness (mindfulness) through the theory of discursive semiotics in one of its most recent developments, the visual or plastic aspect. The objective is to identify how the verbal-visual text of the course produces
meanings and how it can help in the design of other courses. Method: a semiotic analysis of two practices and a screen print of the course called Mindfulness-Based Self-Care Program, in distance learning, developed by the Brazilian Center for Mindfulness and Health Promotion (“Open Mind”), of the Department of Preventive Medicine at the Federal University of São Paulo. Results: the aesthetic elements that contributed to the construction of an euphoric practice environment (linked to health) were evaluated and relationships were established between the content plan
and the practice expression plan, responsible for the construction of a semi-symbolic system. Conclusion: it was confirmed the appreciation of an aesthetics of simplicity of colors and shapes that was converged to an affirmation of the values of calm and well-being compatible with the practices of mindfulness. From this analysis, we seek to reflect on the bases for the development of communicational models related to health promotion in a digital environment.


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How to Cite

Martins, P., Maria Lino Tárcia, R., Renata Marques Pereira, D., Lúcia Morais Antônio de Salvo, V., Ferreira Araújo Silva, D., Sussumu Hirayama, M., Monezi Julião de Oliveira, R., Cristina Bastos Ferreira de Paula, A., Cebolla, A., Baños, R., Garcia-Campayo, J., & Marcos Piva Demarzo, M. (2020). Mindfulness, health promotion, and semiotics: Bases for communication models in online health. SMAD Revista Eletrônica Saúde Mental Álcool E Drogas (Edição Em Português), 16(3), 14-22. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.1806-6976.smad.2020.165507