Levels of self-compassion and gratitude in adults with substance use disorder





Mental Health, Substance-Related Disorders, Positive Psychology, Prevention, Relapse


Objective: to identify the levels of self-compassion and gratitude in adults diagnosed with Substance
Use Disorder (SUD), correlating them with each other and with symptoms of anxiety, depression and
stress. Method: descriptive, quantitative and cross-sectional model with 65 adults. The instruments
used were a sociodemographic and health questionnaire, the Questionnaire for Screening the use of
alcohol, smoking and other substances (ASSIST), the Gratitude Scale (G-20), the Self-Compassion
Scale (SCS) and the Depression Scale, Anxiety and Stress - short version (DASS-21). Results: the
Adaptive Dimension subscale of the SCS showed higher average scores for Sense of Humanity (3.1±1.1)
and Mindfulness (3.1±1.1), while in the Non-Adaptive Dimension subscale, Overidentification stood
out (3.6±1.1). The G-20 total score averaged 117.4 (sd = 19.3) points. Significant correlations were
found in the correlation with the anxiety and depression subscales. Conclusion: the data indicate
the presence of significant associations between the levels of Self-Compassion and Gratitude, as well
as an inverse relationship with symptomatology, since the more grateful and self-compassionate the
less symptoms of depression, stress and anxiety were manifested. Thus, it fosters studies related
to Positive Psychology interventions and their impacts on relapse prevention in patients with SUD.


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How to Cite

Souza, K. R. V. de, Caobelli, A. C. S. L. ., Xavier, C. E. L., Camelo , K. S., & Argimon , I. I. de L. (2023). Levels of self-compassion and gratitude in adults with substance use disorder. SMAD Revista Eletrônica Saúde Mental Álcool E Drogas (Edição Em Português), 19(1), 31-40. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.1806-6976.smad.2023.184676