Por uma teoria social on the move
Mobilidade, Paradigma das mobilidades, Giro móvelResumo
Apresentação ao dossiê "Mobilidades".
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Büscher, Monika & Urry, John. (2009), “Mobile methods and the empirical”. European Journal of Social Theory, 12 (1): 99-116.
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Elliott, Anthony & Urry, John. (2010), Mobile lives. Londres, Routledge.
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Lash, S. & Urry, J. (1987), The end of organised capitalism. Cambridge, Polity Press.
Marcus, George. (1995), “Ethnography in/of the world system: the emergence of multi-sited ethnography”. Annual Review of Anthropology, 24: 95-117.
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Simmel, George. (1990), The philosophy of money. Londres/Nova York, Routledge.
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Sheller, Mimi. (2017), “From spatial turn to mobilities turn”. Current Sociology, 65 (4): 623-639.
Sheller, Mimi & Urry, John. (2016), “Mobilizing the new mobilities paradigm”. Applied Mobilities, 1 (1): 10-25.
Sheller, Mimi & Urry, John. (2006), “The new mobilities paradigm”. Environment and Planning A, 38 (2): 207-26.
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Tarrius, Alain. (2000), Les nouveaux cosmopolitisme: mobilités, identités, territoires. La Tour d’Aigues, Editions de l’Aub.
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Waizbort, Leopoldo. (2000), As aventuras de Georg Simmel. São Paulo, Editora 34.
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