A história social anglo-americana desde 1945
História social, Teoria da modernização, MarxismoResumo
O artigo examina temas, métodos e tendências analíticas dominantes na análise da história social e da ciência social produzidas na Inglaterra e nos Estados Unidos a partir da Segunda Guerra Mundial, apontando a proeminência no debate de duas grandes vertentes, o marxismo e a teoria da modernização. O autor reflete sobre achados e limites de ambas as correntes.
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Calhoun, Craig. (1982), The question of class struggle: social foundations of popular radicalism during the Industrial Revolution. Chicago, University of Chicago Press.
Clark, Anna. (1995), The struggle for the Breeches: gender and the making of the British working class. Berkeley, University of California Press.
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Cohen, Lizabeth. (1990), Making a New Deal: industrial workers in Chicago, 1919-1939. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
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Frader, Laura L. & Rose, Sonya O. (orgs.). (1996), Gender and class in modern Europe. Ithaca, ny, Cornell University Press.
Geertz, Clifford. (1980), Negara: the theatre State in Nineteenth-Century Bali. Princeton, nj, Princeton University Press.
Geremek, Bronislaw. (1994), Poverty: a history. Oxford, Blackwell.
Gillis, John R., Tilly, Louise A. & Levine, David (orgs.). (1992), The European experience of declining fertility: a Quiet Revolution 1850-1970. Oxford, Blackwell.
Hammond, J. L. & Hammond, Barbara. (1917), The town labourer, 1760-1832. Londres, Longmans.
Hanagan, Michael P. (1989), Nascent proletarians: class formation in post-revolutionary France. Oxford, Basil Blackwell.
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Joyce, Patrick. (1991), Visions of the people: industrial England and the question of class, 1848-1914. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
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Kuper, Adam. (1999), Culture: the anthropologists’ account. Cambridge, ma, Harvard University Press.
Levine, David (org.). (1984), Proletarianization and family history. Orlando, fl, Academic Press.
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Monkkonen, Eric H. (org.). (1994), Engaging the past: the uses of history across the social sciences. Durham, nc, Duke University Press.
Moore, Barrington Jr. (1966), Social origins of dictatorship and democracy. Boston, Beacon.
Novick, Peter. (1988), That noble dream: the “objectivity question” and the American historical Profession. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
Olzak, Susan. (1989), “Analysis of events in the study of collective action”. Annual Review of Sociology, 15: 119-141.
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Stedman Jones, Gareth. (1983), Languages of class: studies in English working class history, 1832-1982. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
Steinberg, Marc W. (1999), Fighting words: working-class formation, collective action, and discourse in early Nineteenth-Century England. Ithaca, ny, Cornell University Press.
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Thernstrom, Stephan. (1964), Poverty and progress. Cambridge, ma, Harvard University Press.
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Tilly, Louise A. & Gurin, Patricia. (1990), Women, politics and change. Nova York, Russell Sage Foundation.
Tilly, Louise A. et al. (1997), “Scholarly controversy: women, work, and citizenship”. International Labor and Working-Class History, 52: 1-71.
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Warner, W. Lloyd et al. (1963), Yankee city. New Haven, ct, Yale University Press.
Willigan, J. Dennis & Lynch, Katherine A. (1982), Sources and methods of historical demography. Nova York, Academic Press.
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Zelizer, Viviana. (1994), The social meaning of money. Nova York, Basic Books.
Zunz, Olivier (org.). (1985), Reliving the past: the worlds of social history. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press.
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