Dilma’s participation in Programa do Jô: the role of talk shows and criticism in a polarized society


  • Julia Lery Pontifical University of Minas Gerais (PUC MInas), Brazil.




Talk show, television genre, Programa do Jô (TV show), Dilma Rousseff, television criticism.


Dilma Rousseff’s presence in Programa do Jô in a time of economic crisis and low popularity caused a negative repercussion and hate speech directed not only to the president, but also against Jô Soares. Using the television genre as an analytical category, this article intends to study the interactions produced by her participation in the program considering the promises and expectations generated by the talk show – that more than a television format is a way of mediation. The point is to analyze, from this angle, a distortion of the TV program to interview Dilma Rousseff as well as the negative criticism that came from the traditional media, from social networks and even through a threat to the presenter.


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Author Biography

  • Julia Lery, Pontifical University of Minas Gerais (PUC MInas), Brazil.
    Master degree in Communication from the Pontifical University of Minas Gerais (PUC MInas), Brazil. lery.julia@gmail.com.


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Referências audiovisuais

DILMA ROUSSEFF. Programa do Jô. Rede Globo, 12 de junho de 2015. Disponível em: http://globotv.globo.com/rede-globo/programa-do-jo/v/programa-do-jo-programa-de-sexta-feira-dia-12062015-na-integra/4250020/. Acesso em: 04 jun. 2016.

MENINAS DO JÔ. Programa do Jô. Rede Globo, 17 junho de 2015. Disponível em: http://globotv.globo.com/rede-globo/programa-do-jo/v/programa-do-jo-programa-de-quarta-feira-dia-17062015-na-integra/4260691/. Acesso em: 04 jun. 2016.

MENINAS DO JÔ. Programa do Jô. Rede Globo, 24 de junho de 2015. Disponível em: http://globotv.globo.com/rede-globo/programa-do-jo/v/programa-do-jo-programa-de-quarta-feira-dia-24062015-na-integra/4276766/. Acesso em: 04 jun. 2016.

DANILO GENTILI. Entrevista Histórica com Dilma Rousseff parte 1. YouTube, 18 de junho de 2015. Disponível em: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xjTDHMLFpUw. Acesso em: 04 jun. 2016.






How to Cite

Dilma’s participation in Programa do Jô: the role of talk shows and criticism in a polarized society. RuMoRes, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 19, p. 58–75, 2016. DOI: 10.11606/issn.1982-677X.rum.2016.110100. Disponível em: https://periodicos.usp.br/Rumores/article/view/110100.. Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.