The art of the remix: an anarchaeology of digital media creation processes


  • Lúcia Leão Pontifical Catlholic University of São Paulo (PUC_SP), Brazil.



theory of the image, digital media, creative processes in media, remix


Digital media, databases and the logic of the software settle the contemporary culture. In this context, specific procedures of creation and production of language emerge from networks. Being the act of editing fragments of preexisting materials with the aim of generating new works, the remix is a typical digital culture practice. This article starts with a critical revision about the discussion on remix in the digital culture (Lesssig, Manovich, Navas). Then, it discusses the remix as a creative procedure in various media and as an aesthetic choice in the production of media image and imaginary. The montage, according to Max Ernst perspective, is revisited to establish parallels with the remix processes of linking up. In order to study the remix as a language, two case studies are presented.


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Author Biography

  • Lúcia Leão, Pontifical Catlholic University of São Paulo (PUC_SP), Brazil.

    Porfessor at the PostGraduate Programme in Communication and Semiotics of the Pontifical University of São Paulo (PUC-SP), Brazil.


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How to Cite

The art of the remix: an anarchaeology of digital media creation processes. RuMoRes, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 20, p. 26–45, 2016. DOI: 10.11606/issn.1982-677X.rum.2016.120924. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.