To hack or be hacked: the quasi-totalitarianism of global trusted networks


  • Athina Karatzogianni University of Leicester, United Kingdom.
  • Martin Gak The New School for Social Research, United States.



surveillance, ideology, quasi-totalitarianism, Snowden, digital networks


This article focuses on digital surveillance ideology by examining specific empirical examples drawn from media reports of the Snowden affair, in order to nuance the politics, ethics, values and affects mobilized by governments and corporate elites to justify the collect-it-all practices by a ménage à trois of “trusted” global networks. It charts this political space as a sphere of action emerging against the backdrop of what we call ‘quasi-totalitarian’ mechanisms, which are fostered by alignment, collusion and imbrication of the three trusted authoritative networks. The distinct features of this quasi-totalitarianism include: the monopoly of digital planning on surveillance resting on back-channel and secret communication between government, tech corporate elites and, sometimes, NGOs; the role of civil society NGOs as mechanisms for circumventing democratic processes; enterprise association politics that ensures that the dual goal of state (security) and capital (profit) continues unabated and unaccounted; the unprecedented scope in the form of total structural data acquisition by western intelligence matrixes; the persecution and prosecution of journalists, whistleblowers and transparency actors outside the scope of civil society groups; and, the significant if insufficient contestation by members of the public concerning the infringement on civil liberties.


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Author Biographies

  • Athina Karatzogianni, University of Leicester, United Kingdom.
    Athina Karatzogianni is a Senior Lecturer in New Media and Communication at the University of Leicester, prior to which she was the Director of Media Programmes at the Department of Social Sciences, University of Hull. Athina has authored The Politics of Cyberconflict(2006); Power, Conflict and Resistance: Social Movements, Networks and Hierarchies co-author Andrew Robinson (2010); edited Violence and War in Culture and the Media: Five Disciplinary Perspectives (2012); Cyber Conflict and Global Politics (2009) [all with Routledge]; and Digital Cultures and the Politics of Emotion: Feelings, Affect and Technological Change, co-edited with Adi Kuntsman (2012, Palgrave). Athina has also contributed extensively on theorising cyberconflict, and exploring the potential of ICTs and network forms of organization for social movements, resistance and open knowledge production. Recent research focused on agency and resistance in transnational migrant and digital diaspora networks (for the MIG@NET EU FP7 and towards the research monograph The Real, The Virtual, and the Imaginary State with Palgrave.
  • Martin Gak, The New School for Social Research, United States.
    Ph.D. in philosophy from The New School for Social Research in New York. The focus of my interest in my doctoral work was the intersection of ethics and metaphysics following a few thematic tropes of late phenomenology, in general, and of the Levinasian corpus, in particular. E-mail:


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How to Cite

To hack or be hacked: the quasi-totalitarianism of global trusted networks. RuMoRes, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 20, p. 114–151, 2016. DOI: 10.11606/issn.1982-677X.rum.2016.124301. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.