The role of black women journalists in the struggle for recognition and representativeness




Journalism, Media and struggle for recognition, Alterity and Representativeness, Racism and Identity Issues, Social media.


The article discusses the place of black women in journalism, based on the digital presence of black journalists Maria Júlia Coutinho, Aline Midlej and Joyce Ribeiro. We seek to understand how the activism of these professionals on Instagram contributed to making them a symbol of representation and struggle, as well as delineating the dynamics of conflicts that the presence of black women causes in different social spheres and especially in journalism. The theoretical framework includes studies in the fields of philosophy, with emphasis on the theory of the struggle for recognition and otherness, and journalism, intersecting them with the theme of racism, representation and identity issues. The research is guided by the question: How can the performance and activism of the three journalists culminate in the struggle for recognition of black girls? For this, we used two methodological procedures, the bibliographic review in the fields of study and the content analysis, on a quantitative basis, of posts and comments on Instagram by journalists, between April 17 and 30, 2021.


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Author Biographies

  • Louis Edoa, Universidade Metodista de São Paulo

    Master's student at the Graduate Program in Social Communication at the Methodist University of São Paulo (PPGCOM-Umesp), CNPq scholarship holder. Journalist, Theologian, Philosopher, Writer and Researcher in Communication. Member of the Research Groups in Humanitarian Journalism and Media Interventions (Humanizacom) and Semio Humanitas at Umesp. He studies the themes: Invisibility; Alterity; Fight for recognition; Ethnic representation; Disaster; Vulnerability and Social Inclusion; Humanitarian Journalism and Inclusive Journalism. He is also the author of the book-report: Pain in the chest: the Vale disaster in Brumadinho beyond the silence and several other articles published in books, magazines and conference proceedings.


  • Cilene, Methodist University of São Paulo

    Professora do Programa de Comunicação Social da Universidade Metodista de São Paulo (Umesp), onde coordena o grupo de pesquisa Jornalismo Humanitário e Intervenções na Mídia. Professora da Faculdade Paulus de Comunicação (Fapcom) e da FGV LAW. Desenvolveu sua pesquisa de pós-doutorado no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Gestão e Planejamento Territorial da Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC). É doutora em Saúde Pública pela USP e mestre em Comunicação pela Umesp.


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How to Cite

The role of black women journalists in the struggle for recognition and representativeness. RuMoRes, [S. l.], v. 16, n. 32, p. 248–273, 2022. DOI: 10.11606/issn.1982-677X.rum.2022.202037. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.