Leon Hirszman's ABC da Greve: historical writing in conflict


  • Reinaldo Cardenuto School of Communication and Arts of the University of São Paulo (ECA-USP), Brazil.




Brazilian documentary, ABC da greve, Leon Hirszman, metallurgical strikes in ABC, military dictatorship.


From the analysis of depositions given by Leon Hirszman between 1979 and 1981, this paper investigates the genealogy of the documentary ABC da greve, especially the filmmaker proposal of transforming his film in a dialectical synthesis of the metallurgical strike in 1979 which could serve for inciting the workers to think their own political praxis. Based on the Hirszman's expectation in engaging himself, from this creative process,in the debates on the democratic opening, the text also analyzes the approach he established between the practice of Marxism and the documentary filmmaking, moreover, it discusses his reflections, in that historical context, on political cinema in Brazil.


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Author Biography

  • Reinaldo Cardenuto, School of Communication and Arts of the University of São Paulo (ECA-USP), Brazil.

    PhD candidate at the PostGraduate Programme in Media and Audiovisual Practices of Communication and Arts of the University of São Paulo (ECA-USP), Brazil. Master degree in Communication Studies from the same PostGraduate Programme. reicar@uol.com.br.






How to Cite

Leon Hirszman’s ABC da Greve: historical writing in conflict. RuMoRes, [S. l.], v. 5, n. 9, 2011. DOI: 10.11606/issn.1982-677X.rum.2011.51226. Disponível em: https://periodicos.usp.br/Rumores/article/view/51226.. Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.