The Divorce Referendum, Ireland, 1986


  • Paul Durcan
  • Jorge Fondebrider


Author Biography

  • Jorge Fondebrider

    Jorge Fondebrider is an Argentine poet, essayist, translator and cultural journalist. He has collaborated with the main newspapers and magazines in his country, as well as in a significant number of publications abroad. Between 1986 and 1992 he was the editorial secretary of the journal Diario de Poesía, whose board of directors he served during the first ten years of the publication. From 2002 to 2006 he served as coordinator of events and publications for the Ricardo Rojas Cultural Center of the University of Buenos Aires. Between 2006 and 2014 he collaborated permanently by writing a monthly column for the Periódico de Poesía, of the National Autonomous University of Mexico, also being a member of the advisory council of the publication. In 2003 he received the Academic Palms from the French government for services rendered to French culture. In 2009, together with Julia Benseñor, he created the Buenos Aires Literary Translators Club, which has been in operation for eleven years. His published poetry books are Elegias, Império de la Luna, Patterns, Los últimos tres años and La extraña trayectoria de la luz and Poemas reunidos 1983-2013. His work has also been translated into English and Swedish.




How to Cite

Durcan, P. (2020). The Divorce Referendum, Ireland, 1986 (J. Fondebrider , Trans.). ABEI Journal, 22(2), 20-21.