Linguistic and Cultural Aspects of the Irish Settlers in Buenos Aires as Seen in Tales of the Pampas, by William Bulfin


  • Juan José Delaney Universidad del Salvador



This article is about Tales of the Pampas, a collection of short stories written and published by William Bulfin in 1900. The book refers to the Irish settlers within the “porteño” country, their days and works. My critical approach concerns language and cultural interrelations between the Irish, the natives, and the South American melting pot, exploring their behaviours, their attitudes and their words. I point out the curious fact that Bulfin’s literary speech becomes a strange mixture of Irish-English, Gaelic and Spanish. It was a slow process in which bilingualism preceded biculturalism. In Tales of the Pampas – we read – Bulfin reissues Sarmiento’s antithesis proclaimed in Civilización y Barbarie (1845): Barbarism (represented by the countryside) vs. Civilization (city), Natives vs. Europeans.

Author Biography

  • Juan José Delaney, Universidad del Salvador

    DELANEY, Juan José was born in Buenos Aires in 1954. He belongs to a
    large Irish-Argentine family and holds the chair in Twentieth Century Argentinean
    Literature at the Universidad del Salvador. He is also a fiction writer and essayist: in
    1999 he published the novel Moira Sullivan, and Ediciones Corregidor has just released
    his biography of Marco Denevi: Marco Denevi y la sacra ceremonia de la escritura.
    A doctoral candidate in Modern Languages, at present he is completing a work
    on literary and linguistic aspects of the Irish immigration process in Argentina.


Bulfin, William (Che Buono). Tales of the Pampas. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1900, 248 p.

Bulfin, William. Tales of the Pampas/Cuentos de la Pampa. A bilingual edition, translated by Alejandro

Patricio Clancy, including a “Nota del traductor” and an Introduction by Susan Wilkinson. Buenos

Aires: LOLA (Literature of Latin America), 1997, p. 320.

Bulfin, William. Rambles in the West of Ireland (A selection from Rambles in Eirinn). Dublin, The

Mercier Press, 1979, 96 p. Mac MathÏna, S?amus and’ Corràin, Ailbhe Collins Pocket Irish

Dictionary Harper Collins Publishers, 1997, p. 628.

McMahon, Sean and O’Donoghue, Jo The Mercier Companion to Irish Literature Dublin, Mercier

Press, 1998, p. 224.

Murphy, Maureen. “The Cultural Nationalism of William Bulfin” in John Quinn. Selected Irish

Writers from His Library, Edited by Janis and Richard Londraville. Locust Hill Press: West

Cornwall, CT, 2001, p. 462.

Sbarra, Noel H. Historia del alambrado en la Argentina. Buenos Aires: Eudeba, 1973, p. 128.






The Irish in South America

How to Cite

Delaney, J. J. (2004). Linguistic and Cultural Aspects of the Irish Settlers in Buenos Aires as Seen in Tales of the Pampas, by William Bulfin. ABEI Journal, 6(1), 167-177.