The Countermanding Order, 1916


  • Moya Cannon
  • Gisele Wolkoff Universidade Federal Fluminense



“The Countermanding Order, 1916” by Moya Cannon. From Donegal Tarantella. Carcanet, 2019. Reproduced by kind permission of the author and the publisher.

Author Biographies

  • Moya Cannon

    Moya Cannon is a recipient of the Brendan Behan Award and the O’Shaughnessy Award, she was 2011 Heimbold Professor of Irish Studies at Villanova University.  She has been editor of Poetry Ireland Review and director of the International Writers’ Course at NUIG Galway. Born in Dunfanaghy, Co. Donegal, she writes poems that depict the northwest and west of Ireland, nature and our mysterious relationship with the natural world and our past. Her ‘Collected Poems’, published by Carcanet Press, Manchester (2021), brings together poems from six previous collections, Oar (1990), The Parchment Boat (1997), Carrying the Songs (1907), Hands (2011), Keats Lives (2015) and Donegal Tarantella (2019). Bilingual selections of her work have been published in Spanish, Portuguese and German. She studied history and politics at University College, Dublin (B.A.) and International Relations at Corpus Christi College, Cambridge (M.Phil). 

  • Gisele Wolkoff, Universidade Federal Fluminense

    Gisele Giandoni Wolkoff is an associate professor at the Fluminense Federal University (UFF) in Volta Redonda, Rio de Janeiro. Author of three solo books of poetry, she has organized and translated anthologies such as Poem-ing Beyond Borders: ten contemporary Irish and Portuguese women poets (Coimbra: Palimage, 2011) and American Plural Voices (Curitiba: CRV, 2015). Member of the Centre for Translation and Creation (NTC) at UFF, the Group for Adaptation and Translation Studies (G.R.E.A.T.) and the Group for the Study of Asian Art (GEAA). Coordinator of the project Culture and Arts in the southern region of Rio: memory and history, funded by Carlos Chagas Filho Foundation for Supporting Research in the State of  Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ).




How to Cite

Cannon, M. (2021). The Countermanding Order, 1916 (G. Wolkoff , Trans.). ABEI Journal, 23(2), 202-205.