Absorption of nutrients by grapevine under field conditions
Plant material from a well fertilized 7 years-old vineyard var. 'Niagara Rosada' (Vitis labrusca L. X Vitis vinifera L.), situated on an Entisol at country of Jundiai, SP, Brazil, was harvested every fifteen days up to 150 days. The plants were divided into: terminal and basal leaves, terminal and basal shoots, and canes, as well grapes. The plant material was analysed by conventional methods for N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S. The research was conducted in order: a. to obtain information on the accumulation of dry matter, during a period of one year; b. to obtain data on the absorption and distribuition of the nutrients by the grapevine; c. to obtain data on the exportation of nutrients by the shoots and by the grapes. Conclusions : The maximum accumulation of the dry matter took place at the age of 148 days. The leaves present always a higher concentration in nutrients than the other parts of the plant. The leaves, shoots and grapes present different concentration of the nutrients during the year. The maximun absorption by the leaves, shoots and grapes in mg per plant was observed at the following age (days): The grapevine exported by shoots (pruned) and by grapes the following quantities of nutrients in mg per plant: A vineyeard of 5.000 plants per hectare content the following quantities of nutrients: N: 90.85 kg; P:28.40 kg; K: 97.60 kg; Ca: 41.20 kg; Mg: 8.10 kg; S: 9.30 kg.Downloads
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Dechen, A., Haag, H., Sarruge, J., Oliveira, G. de, Gallo, J., Martins, F., & Scaranari, H. (1979). Absorption of nutrients by grapevine under field conditions . Anais Da Escola Superior De Agricultura Luiz De Queiroz, 36, 269-330. https://doi.org/10.1590/S0071-12761979000100016