Influência da "murcha do algodoeiro" na composição mineral do algodoeiro
Young plants were grown in complete and deficient solutions and inoculated or not with on active culture in the lower part of the stem. The treatments were: complete; complete + fungi; -N; -N + fungi; -P; -P + fungi; -K; -K + fungi; -Ca; -Ca + fungi; -Mg; -Mg + fungi. When the symptoms appeared the leaves were harvested and analised for N, P, K, Ca and Mg. The results are given in Table 1, 2 and 3. The main results way be summarized as follow: a) For the complete treatment the diseased plants presented lower quantities of N in the leaves than healthy ones. b) Wilting disease increased the total quantities of phosphorus in the leaves independently of nutrition status of the plants. c) Nitrogen distribution in the plants was affected by Fusarium only in nitrogen defficient plants. d) The phosphorus distributions in healthy the plants of the complete treatment was also affected by the disease.Downloads
How to Cite
Haag, H., Balmer, E., & Carvalho, A. de. (1966). Influência da "murcha do algodoeiro" na composição mineral do algodoeiro . Anais Da Escola Superior De Agricultura Luiz De Queiroz, 24, 333-342.