A raspa de mandioca como sucedâneo dos farelos de trigo na alimentação de pintos
In a feeding trial cassava root meal was used as a substitute for wheat bran and wheat middling (mixed) in several ranges: 10, 15, 20 and 30% of a ration. Five groups of 32 seven day old Rhode I. Red chicks were used during 6 weeks of the trial. The results are shown in the Tables (Quadros) I, II and III. Table I shows an high mortality in R4, receiving 30% of cassava root meal and no wheat by product. It was observed a depression of the development of the chicks that was so much high as the proportion of the cassava meal increased in the ration consumed. The A. suggests cassava root meal might have an antagonistic factor acting as a "toxic", that he imagine could be corrected by a higher vitaminic and mineral proportion. This hipothesis must be investigated.Downloads
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How to Cite
Torres, A. D. P. (1958). A raspa de mandioca como sucedâneo dos farelos de trigo na alimentação de pintos. Anais Da Escola Superior De Agricultura Luiz De Queiroz, 14, 143-150. https://doi.org/10.1590/S0071-12761958000100014