Comportamento de cafeeiros (Coffea arabica L. cv. mundo novo) oriundos de ecossistemas diversos, sob condições uniformes
It was studied the behavior of coffee plants (Coffea arabica L. cv. Mundo Novo) originated from different environment conditions (shade, half shaded, unshaded and greenhouse) when submited to field conditions. It was realized evaluations on morphology, development, and biological productivity of coffee plants. It was verified nutrient levels, attack of insects and unfavourable effects of sun radiation on leaves. Plants originated from greenhouse and half shaded conditions showed higher growth. Higher number of branches were observed in plants from clarity conditions, and plants from more shaded conditions showed higher number of leaves by branch. Plants originated from shaded conditions showed a tendency of recuperation in field conditions. Coffee plants from half shaded conditions presented higher leaf dry weight tham plants originated from greenhouse. Both presented good adaptation in field conditions after 75 days. Stems and roots dry weith where heigher in coffee plants originated from greenhouse conditions. It was determined higher N levels in leaves of plants from unshaded conditions, and higher P and Ca levels in plants from half shaded conditions. Half shaded conditions promoted accumulation of Zn In coffee plants. Stems presented nutrient levels higher tham leaves, except for Zn and Cu. Plants originated from unshaded conditions showed higher Ca and S levels. Roots presented nutrient levels higher tham leaves except for Cu, Zn, and Mn. Data of infestation of leaves with Perileucoptera coffeella have pointed out a higher incidence in greenhouse conditions, cof fee plants in more shaded conditions showed lower incidence of the insect. Infestation of Coccus viridis presented higher incidence on plants originated from half shaded conditions. Coffee plants from unshaded and greenhouse conditions did not present sunburn spots on leaves, however plants from half shaded and shaded conditions where considerably danified. Shade affected the growth of coffee plants in function of its intensity and interaction with other biotics and abiotics factors of ecossistem.Downloads
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How to Cite
Castro, P. R., Martinez, H. E., Ciarelli, D. M., & Marchetti, M. E. (1983). Comportamento de cafeeiros (Coffea arabica L. cv. mundo novo) oriundos de ecossistemas diversos, sob condições uniformes . Anais Da Escola Superior De Agricultura Luiz De Queiroz, 40(1), 1-32.