Studies on the mineral nutrition of the coffee plant: XXXVIII. Effects of foliar applications of zinc sulfate on yield and leaf compositioN
An experiment was carried out with 8 year old coffee plants, Mundo Novo variety, in order to study the effect of various concentrations of zinc sulfate (plus urea), split into different number of foliar applications, on yield and leaf composition. The highest yield, 1647 kg of clean coffee per ha (646 kg above the no zinc treatment) was reached when 9.4 kg of zinc, split into three sprays, was applied. This yield was associated to 21-25 ppm of Zn and with a ratio P/Zn equal to 70-90 in the leaves.Downloads
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How to Cite
Guimarães, P., Carvalho, J., Melles, C., & Malavolta, E. (1983). Studies on the mineral nutrition of the coffee plant: XXXVIII. Effects of foliar applications of zinc sulfate on yield and leaf compositioN . Anais Da Escola Superior De Agricultura Luiz De Queiroz, 40(1), 497-507.