Post-harvest control of cold storage 'bourbon' mango rots
Aiming for 'Bourbon' mangoes cold storage, the fruits were submited to the following post-harvest treatments: 1) control, 2) immersion during 10' in water at 55°C, 3) immersion during 5' in Benomyl (0,025 a.i.) solution at 50ºC, 4) immersion during 5' in Benomyl (0,050 a.i.) solution at 50°C, 5) immersion during 5' in Benomyl (0,025 a.i.) solution at 55ºC, and 6) immersion during 5' in Benomyl (0,050 a.i.) solution at 55 C. All treatments except the control one, were effective on antracnose rot control. The soft rot was responsable for 44, 36, 20, 20, 4and 8% of rotted mangoes from the first to the sixth treatments respectively. The conclusion was that the higher temperature, plus Benomyl were the best post-harvest treatments for cold storage 'Bourbon' mangoes.Downloads
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How to Cite
Sampaio, V. (1983). Post-harvest control of cold storage ’bourbon’ mango rots . Anais Da Escola Superior De Agricultura Luiz De Queiroz, 40(1), 519-526.