Concentration and extraction of nutrients by tobacco plants (Nicotina tabacum. L.) var. goianinho
In order to obtain: - The growth rate of tabacco plants; - The concentration of macro and micronutrients in the different organs of the plants; - The accumulation of nutrients by the entaire plants; - The exportation of nutrients trough the leaves. A field trial was execute at the Experimental Station of Tiete-Agronomic Institute of São Paulo State, Tiete (SP) Brazil in a soil classified as Podzolico Vermelho Amarelo. Plants (4 replications) with 12, 24, 36, 48, 60 and 72 days old were collected and divided into roots, stems and leaves the material was dried at 85° and a analysed for macro and micronutrients. The authors observed that: - The fasted growth speed occur 48 days after the transplant. - The nutrients were absorved by the tabacco plant in the fallowing order: K >; N >;Ca>;Mg>; P >; S >; Fe >; B >; Zn >; Cu. - The nutrients were export in the leaves in the fallowing order: K >; N >; Ca>; Mg >; P >; S >; Fe >; Mn>; Zn >; B >;Cu.Downloads
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How to Cite
Acosta, A., Haag, H., Dechen, A., Veiga, A. de A., & Sabino, J. (1984). Concentration and extraction of nutrients by tobacco plants (Nicotina tabacum. L.) var. goianinho . Anais Da Escola Superior De Agricultura Luiz De Queiroz, 41(2), 611-654.