Absolute and relative concentration, relations, accumulation and nutritional eficiency of the nutrients in common bean (Phaseolus Vulgaris l: ), as affected by the aeration porosity of soils


  • O. Primavesi Centro de Tecnologia Copersucar
  • F.A.F. de Mello USP; ESALQ; Departamento de Solos , Geologia e Fertilizantes
  • T. Muraoka USP; Seção Fert. Solo CENA




Experiments were carried out in greenhou se, at ESALQ/USP, in Piracicaba, SP, Brazil, with soil samples of the A and B² horizon of an Oxisol (LR) and an Alfisol (PVp), without and with mineral fertilizer and lime to achieve a CEC saturation of 80% and a Ca:Mg:K relation of 16:4:1, besides a disponible P level of 15 ppm, to verify the influence of the variation of the aeration porosity (from 24 to 3%) on the behavior of the nutrients in common bean, cultivar Aroana 80. The water content in the 2,5 liter soil per pot, was mantained between 100 and 70% of the field capacity. The decrease of aeration porosity affected in general the absolute and relative level of P, and the N/P relation. Changed the nutritional eficiency of N in the B² horizon of both soils, of the Cu in the Oxisol and of the Mn in the Alfisol, in both horizons. The occorence of specific behavior of the soil type and horizon, and the interference of the fertility level was noted.


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How to Cite

Primavesi, O., Mello, F. de, & Muraoka, T. (1986). Absolute and relative concentration, relations, accumulation and nutritional eficiency of the nutrients in common bean (Phaseolus Vulgaris l: ), as affected by the aeration porosity of soils . Anais Da Escola Superior De Agricultura Luiz De Queiroz, 43(2), 691-711. https://doi.org/10.1590/S0071-12761986000200017