Compared growth analysis of stock and scion of Hevea brasiliensis Muell. Arg. in nursery
rubber, growth analysis, stock, scionAbstract
An experiment was carried out to establish a comparative growth analysis of stock and scion of rubber plant under nursery conditions. Samples were collected in four periods at 30 days intervals. The results indicated values of 0.018 to for NAR, 0.0145 to for RGR and 0.4363 to 0.8510dm².g-1 for LAR of RRIM 600 and Tjir 16 rubber cultivars. Dry weight variation and leaf area variation showed a higher vigour of the rootstock compared to the clone, and a difference in the growth period of 'Tjir 16' compared with 'RRIM 600'. LAR and LWR showed, respectively, a higher relative proportion of leaf area and leaf weight in the dry weight of the plant in the initial phase of growth of the stock and latter in the clone. A direct relationship was noted between the values of RGR and NAR of the stock and clone. 'Tjir 16' and 'RRIM 600' did not present sensible differences in dry matter increase with time.Downloads
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Plant Physiology
How to Cite
Castro, P., Barbosa, L., Nastri, V., & Lucchesi, A. (1990). Compared growth analysis of stock and scion of Hevea brasiliensis Muell. Arg. in nursery . Anais Da Escola Superior De Agricultura Luiz De Queiroz, 47(1), 29-45.