Análise da variação qualitativa em amostras pequenas


  • F. G. Brieger Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz



The main object of the paper is a revision of the methods for the statistical analysis of qualitative variation in small samples. In general, this analysis is carried out by means of two tests, which are mathematically different, but give identical statistical results : the analysis of relative deviates, i.e. of te quotients between the deviate of the observed frequency, with regerds to the expected frequency divided by its standard error, or an analysis using the X2-test. We must distinguish, in our discussion, two cases, which are quite different. The basic distribuition of all cases of qualitative variation is the binomial. If we expect any qualitative result to occur with probability p ,its non-occurence having probability q equal to (1-p>;, the expectancy to have, 0, 1, 2... m cases or individuals of the expected type in N trials may be calculated by expanding the binomial. (P + q)N Such a binomial may be substituited by other distributions in two special cases: a) If p is very small and thus q is aproaching the value one, we may substitute the binomial by a Poisson series. b) If the exponent N becomes very large, the binomial is approaching a continous distribution, i.e. the normal or Gaus-sean distribution. Only in the second case, the application of the X2-test is really justified, and in all other cases, we are dealing only with approximations. Indvidual values of X2- should follow a modified distribution of Pearson, with nl = 1; n2 = inf. Since this distributon corresponds exactly to one half of the Gaus-sean dstribution, it follows that the b lateral limits of the latter are equal to the unilateral limits of the former. These points have been explained fully elsewhere (BRIEGER, 1945, 1946). We have row to decide which value of p may be accepted as a satisfactory limit between a Poisson and a binomial series. Quadros 1-3, show that the conventional limit of pr=0,l is fully justified, from a practical point of view. In these tables we find in the second column from the left the frequencies of a Poisson series, and in the second column from the night the values of X2 based, as explained, on a modified Gaussean distribution. The two columns in the centre correspond to two binomials and it is evident that the first with p=0,05 has its limits of precision almost at the same level as the Poisson series, while the other with p=0,l agrees fairly well with the limits of the X2 series. Thus is seems justified to treat separately the cases with expected frequencies of p equal or smaller that 0,1 and those with p larger than 0,1. A) When the different classes, wich may be two (alternative variability) or more (multiple variability, have all expected frequences of p between 0,1 and 0,9, we may use practically the X2 test with out any restriction. Quadros 8 and 9 show that the limits calculated for two binomials are practically identical with those of the X2 total. Nevertheless a special table is given (table 11) for the limits of binomials with p equal 0,5 and 0,25 and expected class frequencies of less than 10. One must not forget that in these cases the individual values of X2 for each class are of less importance than their sum, the X2 total. The value of X2 for each class may be calculated either with the general formula, using actual numbers or with a modified formula using percentages : X² = ( f obs - f esp)² = (f esp - NP)² f esp NP = (f obs - p%)2.N p% 100 In the case of alternative variability, we may calculate directly the value of the X2 total, by squaring the relative deviate : x² total = (f obs - f esp)² = (f obs - Np)² f esp NP = ( f obs % - p %) 2. N p % (100 - p%) B) If we have one or more classes with expected frequencies equal os smaller than 0,1 we have to deal with a Poisson series. As shown in Quadro 7 the agreement between the limits of the Poisson series and the X2-test for one classe (simple X2) is only satisfactory when the expected frequency, is larger than 10 and tolerable when it is between 5 and 10. If the expected number should be smaller still, we cannot use anymore the X2-test, but should use the values given in table I, calculated for Poisson series witr expected frequencies (in numbers) from 1 to 15. Very frequently the X2-test is used for comparing in detail observed and expected distributions, a test called sometimes "homogeneity test". Since generally the frequencies in the marginal classes are less than five, we have to accumulate by summing the frequencies from the more extreme classes towards the center, untill all accumulated and remaining values are at least equal to five. The statistical information, lost in this accumulating process, may be recovered when comparing the individual class frequencies with the limiting values in table 1. As ilustration, a concrete exemple is discussed. (Quadro 10). The formulas and tables of this paper have been tried out first during sometime and, having been found of considerable value in the execution of statistical analysis, are now published. In order to permit a more general use, a table of ordinary limits for the X2-test is included, taken from a recent paper (BRIEGER, 1946).


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How to Cite

Brieger, F. G. (1948). Análise da variação qualitativa em amostras pequenas . Anais Da Escola Superior De Agricultura Luiz De Queiroz, 5, 35-64.