A farinha de Rami como sucedâneo da farinha de fêno da alfafa, na alimentação de pintos
The ramie leaf meal was used in a feeding trial, in comparison with alfalfa hay meal in the range of 5% of the ration. Each lot consisted of two pens of 45 White American chicks was raised in batteries for 6 weeks. From results of the analisis of variance the AA. concluded for the superiority of the ramie leaf meal (586,4 g) over the alfalfa hay meal (540,1 g) in the conditions of the experiment.Downloads
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Torres, A. D. P., & Medina, J. C. (1958). A farinha de Rami como sucedâneo da farinha de fêno da alfafa, na alimentação de pintos. Anais Da Escola Superior De Agricultura Luiz De Queiroz, 14, 133-142. https://doi.org/10.1590/S0071-12761958000100013