Yanomami indigenous organization: from their land threatening to the political representation in a non-state society


  • Maurice Seji Tomioka Nilsson




Yanomami, territory, farming frontier, goldmining, political organization


This article refers to the construction of an indigenous organization the “Hutukara
Associação Yanomami” and how it is related with the characteristics of the Yanomami
society and the challenge of land protecting from their invaders. It begins to tell about two
of the majors problems that affect the Yanomami, the gold miners invasion and the farmers
that are intruders at the Ajarani region, and I discuss the political organization process as a
conscious demand by the Yanomami, which seek for partners to deal with their land
defense goals and cultural surviving. The forest landscape maintenance and their land and
forest health is the main condition to their survival and it is the reason of their perception of
the hazards that the land invaders could cause. This political conscience is at the origin of
the creation of an organization to defend their rights.


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How to Cite

Yanomami indigenous organization: from their land threatening to the political representation in a non-state society. (2008). Agrária (São Paulo. Online), 9, 25-43. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.1808-1150.v0i9p25-43