Colonial enterprise, ontology and violence


  • Héctor Mondragón Báez Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo



Colonialism, Megaprojects, Monocultivos, Territory, Being


The history, economics, logic and philosophy of colonial enterprise are present in XXI century capitalism, crushing rural communities. The decision power is only in the hands of transnational capital, and it considers itself bearer of the spirit of global development. Facing it nothing is, and nothing can have life. The big capital imposes the radical decision to make their mega projects and organize the territory as its territory. It’s necessary to replace the manifest destiny of the Being exclusionary and hegemonic, for the recognition of the Other as different, and make justice to the hitherto crushed with a regime that defends their rights and with economic alternatives that include them.


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Author Biography

  • Héctor Mondragón Báez, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo

    Héctor Mondragón Báez é Oak Fellowship 2000 do Colby College de Maine, EUA; atualmente professor dos cursos “América Latina: antecedentes históricos e perspectivas” e “Ditaduras e revoluções na América Latina no século XX” na Cogeae da PUC de São Paulo. Foi professor de Teoría Económica Clásica, Economía Latinoamericana y Teoría de la Dependencia da Facultad de Economía, Universidad Cooperativa, seccional Barrancabermeja, Colômbia, e consultor de OIT e PNUD. Autor dos livros: Los Ciclos Económicos en el Capitalismo (2009) e A estratégia do Império (2007); e coautor de Desarrollo y Equidad con Campesinos (1998).





Seminário Terra, Alimento e Liberdade

How to Cite

Colonial enterprise, ontology and violence. (2012). Agrária (São Paulo. Online), 17, 6-41.