Povos indígenas do cerrado, territórios ameaçados: terras indígenas Xavante de Sangradouro/ Volta Grande e São Marcos.


  • Maria Lúcia Cereda Gomide
  • Fernando Shinji Kawakubo




Savanna, Landsat images, bufferzone


The purpose of this research was bring out the environmental issues related with a indigenous land: Sangradouro/Volta Grande MT, and introduce some proposition to protect this indigenous area from the impacts that they have been suffering with the intense occupation of “savanna ” in their surroundings.
The economical activities that deforest the most part of the “savanna” of the center of Brazil, are related mainly with the monoculture of soy and cattle.
So, was proposed the creation of a bufferzone from indigenous land and hall of support in the area of river called “ Rio das Mortes”, between the Xavante area of Sangradouro and São Marcos. This proposes was done based on the analysis of landsat satellite data and field work.


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How to Cite

Povos indígenas do cerrado, territórios ameaçados: terras indígenas Xavante de Sangradouro/ Volta Grande e São Marcos. (2005). Agrária (São Paulo. Online), 3, 16-46. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.1808-1150.v0i3p16-46