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Author Guidelines

Duties of authors

Any person who has effectively participated in the design, development, analysis, and interpretation of data and the final wording of the manuscript is regarded as an author. All those who made these contributions should be listed as co-authors. People who participated in certain aspects of the research project should be listed as collaborators, in notes. The main author should ensure that all appropriate co-authors are included in the article. The main author should make sure that all co-authors have seen and approved the final version of the manuscript and agreed to its submission for publication.

Authors should know and agree with the submission conditions and the terms of the copyright statement available in the computerized system Open Journal Systems (OJS), hosted on the USP Scientific Journal Portal. They should follow the journal standards for manuscript submission and send the permissions to use, reproduce, and publish graphs, maps, diagrams, photographs, interviews, etc.

Authors should ensure that the manuscripts are original. Texts used for its execution should be duly cited. All forms of plagiarism constitute unethical and unacceptable behavior. They should also ensure that the manuscript has not been submitted for assessment nor has been published in any other communication outlet.

Any relevant information that affects analysis should be declared in “Comments for editor,” which is available in the online submission process (USP Scientific Journal Portal).

The authors should report any conflicts of interest that may affect the editorial evaluation process, as well as inform the actions taken to mitigate such conflicts.

It is a responsibility of authors to immediately notify the journal’s editor if he identifies significant errors in his publication, cooperating in the dissemination of errata, additions, corrections, or even article’s retraction when deemed necessary.

It is also a responsibility of authors to inform all funding and support sources that have contributed to carry out the research and produce the manuscript.

It is a responsibility of authors to know and accept the license and terms of use of the Creative Commons Attribution BY.


Presentation of manuscripts

The manuscript shall:

  1. Be unpublished and exclusively aimed at the journal Anais do Museu Paulista. Substantially enlarged and reworked versions of papers published in annals of scientific events are accepted.
  2. Be limited to fifty typed pages (without illustrations, notes, and bibliographies). Such limit may be relaxed by editorial decision.
  3. Be written in portuguese, english, french, or spanish.
  4. Be prepared in format .doc or .docx, with Times New Roman font and body 12, with consecutive page numbering.
  5. Be sent through the USP Scientific Journal Portal:
  6. The file should contain the manuscript anonymously, presenting its title, abstract (with a maximum of 250 words), keywords (from three to six), title in Portuguese, resumo, and palavras-chave. Authors should avoid any mention of authorship in the body of text, as well as in the footnotes, in order to guarantee a blind peer-review assessment.
  7. Submission: the author should register in the USP Scientific Journal Portal, filling out the form available.To start the submission process, the first step is clicking on “Make a new submission (paper submission).” The system displays a screen with five tabs that need to be filled out one by one to complete the process. When the submission is complete, confirmation is requested to send the manuscript to the journal.
  8. Images: they should be inserted in the body of text or included in the supplementary documents (step 4 of the submission). Reference to figures should be placed directly in the body of text, in parentheses, for example: “as we can see on the handle of the teapot (Figure 1)”. Numbering should be sequential and without decimal indications. The files should be named according to their reference in the text. All figures shall be accompanied by their respective captions and identification of image origin. The captions should be arranged throughout the text at points close to the figure insertions and should provide a brief description of the element represented graphically, with complete credits, not exceeding three hundred characters.


            Figure 1, Figure 2, etc., and Figure 1a, Figure 1b, etc. for cases of grouping of    images.

            Figure 2 – Pedro Américo de Figueiredo e Mello. Independência ou Morte,        1888, óleo sobre tela, 7.660 x 4.150 cm. Acervo do Museu Paulista da      Universidade de São Paulo. Reprodução: Helio Nobre.

            Figure 3 – Vista parcial do Viaduto do Chá, 2014. Fotografia do autor.


8.1 In case of approval for publication, the images should be sent individually, i.e. if there is any grouping of images under the same caption, the images must be sent separately, in order to favor the standardization of graphic resources.


8.2 All files shall be digital and high resolution (at least 300 dpi, 15 x 18 cm, and 2,048 x 1,536 pixels), and they must be sent through the file sharing platforms, Google Drive, or Dropbox, in format TIFF or JPEG, if the images inserted in “supplementary documents” have not complied with these specifications due to the limit supported.


8.3 The responsibility for obtaining the copyright lies solely with authors. After manuscript approval, due authorization should be sent to the editorial office of Anais do Museu Paulista, accompanied by a letter signed by the author in which he declares himself responsible for the publication of images.


  1. References: the bibliographical and documentary references used should be included at the end of the text, separated into: “Handwritten sources,” “Printed sources,” “Books, articles, and theses,” “Sites,” “Interviews.”

References should be listed in alphabetical order, based on the standardization provided by the NBR 6023/2018 of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT), which should also be referred to for other types of documents not exemplified in these editorial standards.

Always include the DOI code in the references of articles that have it.

If there are quotes of foreign journals, edited in several countries by people linked to various institutions, it is allowed to indicate the city of the journal’s indexer.


 9.1 Authorship: indicate authors by last name, in capital letters, followed by the first name and other surnames in full. When there is more than one author, the names are separated by a semicolon followed by a space. Examples:


AMARAL, Aracy Abreu. [one author]

GERODETTI, João Emilio; CORNEJO, Carlos. [two authors]

HOLANDA, Sérgio Buarque de; DURAND, José Carlos; BRUNO, Ernani Silva. [three authors]

AMERICANO, Jorge et. al. [four authors or more]


9.2 Journal article


CAMPOS, Eudes. Nos caminhos da Luz, antigos palacetes da elite paulistana. Anais do Museu Paulista, São Paulo, v. 13, n. 1, p. 11-57, 2005.


9.3 Book


BREFE, Ana Cláudia Fonseca. O Museu Paulista: Affonso de Taunay e a memória nacional 1917-1945. São Paulo: Editora Unesp: Museu Paulista da USP, 2005.


Note: Subtitles are not italics.


9.4 Book chapter


RODGERS, Sylvia. Women’s Space in a Man’s House: the British House of Commons. In: ARDENER, Shirley (ed.). Women and Space: Ground Rules and Social Maps. Oxford: Berg, 1997. p. 46-69.


9.4.1  Book chapter having the same author for book and chapter


SAMARA, Eni de Mesquita. Mão-de-obra feminina, oportunidades e mercado de trabalho, no Brasil do século XIX. In: SAMARA, Eni de Mesquita. As ideias e os números do gênero: Argentina, Brasil e Chile no século XIX. São Paulo: Hucitec, 1997. p. 23-61.


9.5 Paper published in an event


BUENO, Beatriz Piccolotto Siqueira. Questão fundiária e imobiliária na história da cidade colonial e imperial: estudo comparativo de São Paulo e Santos. In: SEMINÁRIO DE HISTÓRIA DA CIDADE E DO URBANISMO, 9., São Paulo, 2006. Anais [...]. São Paulo: FAU-USP, 2006. p.66-69.


9.6  Thesis (Ph.D.) or Dissertation (MA)


CABRAL, Edson. Análise das alterações climáticas da cidade de São Paulo (1887-1995) no contexto da expansão de sua mancha urbana. 1997. 278 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Geografia) – Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, 1997.


9.7. Translated texts


BARTHES, Roland. O sistema da moda. Tradução de Lineide do Lago Salvador Mosca. São Paulo: Nacional: Edusp, 1979.


In the case of supplementary elements (book edition, translation), it is necessary that all references in the text follow the same pattern. Therefore, we recommend that only crucial data is included. Additional data is exceptionally allowed in articles comparing different translations or editions of a work, for example.


Anais do Museu Paulista does not use APA standards for quotes. Additional information on authorship should follow in notes.


  1. Quotes: indirect quotes should come in notes, which should be gathered at the end of the manuscript, numbered sequentially with the same formatting as the main text.

The journal adopts the abbreviations provided by the ABNT, such as Id. (when the subsequent quotation originates from a work by the same author of the previous quotation), Ibid. (when the subsequent quotation  from the same work of the previous quotation), and Op. cit. (used to refer to a work by the same author already mentioned above, but in case of interspersed quotes).

Leaving excerpts out of quotes should be indicated by using square brackets with suspension points: […].


10.1 In indirect citations one should indicate the author’s surname, followed by the document’s year of publication. Example: Prado (2012). In direct quotations it is also indicated the page number. Example: Prado (2012, p. 15).


10.2 In case of title citation without author, use the first three words, followed by suspension points. Example: Carta aos fazendeiros… (1871).


10.3 if the year of publication of works by the same author coincides, the lowercase sequential letter is added. Example: Holanda (2009a, 2009b).


10.4 Only mention to works (without direct quotation) whose title or author is not mentioned before the reference to the note in the body of text is accompanied by “cf.”

10.5 Whenever there is an indication of work pagination, either in direct quotation or mention, “cf.” in the notes, is not used, only Author (year, p.).


10.6 The links quoted in the manuscript should be compressed through the URL shortcuts: or


UNIÃO de facto regulamentada em Angola ao fim de mais de 25 anos. Diário de Notícias, Lisboa, 9 fev. 2015. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 jun. 2016.


  1. Article edition: the titles of works cited in the body of text, in notes, and in references are highlighted in italics, as well as words in a foreign language. Transcripts of excerpts from documents or bibliographical works (if not exceeding three lines) will be quoted within the paragraph and not highlighted at the source.


11.1 The reference to notes in the text’s title and in the author’s name should use numbers.

The standardization of titles and subtitles should comply with the following pattern:


11.1.1 The manuscript’s title should be in the upper/lower case letters format just as in a sentence: uppercase in the first letter of the first word and in the others only if there is grammatical obligatoriness (such as in proper names). Example: Antes do Parque Ibirapuera: a história do vazio (1890 – 1954).


11.1.2 Subtitles should be formatted in upper case letters. Example: CONFLITO PÚBLICO-PRIVADO: HIPÓDROMO VERSUS VIVEIRO (1929-1933).


11.1.3. Subdivision of subtitles should be in the upper/lower case letters format just as in a sentence: uppercase in the first letter of the first word and in the others only if there is grammatical obligatoriness (such as in proper names). Example: Composição química da atmosfera.


Manuscript submission and assessment procedures

As long as they meet the formal specifications related in the previous items, the papers undergo an initial screening, made by the Editorial Board.

After approval in the first screening, the texts enter the merit assessment process by asking two ad hoc reviewers (experts in the area or themes concerned, at least holding a Ph.D. degree) appointed by the Editorial Board, ensuring the double blind assessment system.

Subsequently, expert opinions and texts are reviewed together by the Editorial Board. In case of conflicting opinions, a third ad hoc reviewer may be appointed. This evaluation results in the approval or disapproval of texts, as well as the request for the author to make the reformulations that partially or fully meet the reviewers’ concerns and suggestions. If reformulation is required, the author has thirty days to submit a new version of the text, which is reassessed by the Editorial Board or by the reviewers who suggested changes.

The same procedure is applied to thematic dossiers, whose proposal should be submitted to the Editorial Board before the manuscripts are submitted, by means of a justification notice, titles, and abstracts of the articles planned.

Anais do Museu Paulista has the right to arrange the manuscript pages according to its graphic standard.

The journal offers free and immediate access to its content, following the principle that making scientific information freely available to the audience enables a greater global democratization of knowledge. Authors do not pay any fee for the submission or assessment of their manuscripts.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.


Publica artigos que integram a abordagem do campo da cultura material aos contextos específicos dos Museus e da Museologia, como questões curatoriais ligadas a exposições, estudos de público, sistemas documentais, colecionismo institucional, práticas educativas, etc.

A sessão acolhe dossiês temáticos.

Material Culture Studies

Publica artigos focalizando a temática da cultura material a partir de múltiplos enfoques disciplinares, advindas, por exemplo, da História, Antropologia, Arqueologia, História da Arte, Arquitetura, Urbanismo, Geografia, Sociologia, etc.

A sessão acolhe dossiês temáticos.

Conservation and Restoration

Publica artigos que exploram pesquisas e técnicas inovadoras na conservação e restauração de fontes documentais, especialmente imagens (pinturas, gravuras, fotografias e demais documentos iconográficos), objetos tridimensionais, edificações e paisagens culturais.

A sessão acolhe dossiês temáticos.


Publica artigos que problematizam a organização e abordagem de fontes materiais, visuais e textuais, que receberam tratamento nos museus ou instituições afins.

A sessão acolhe dossiês temáticos.


Reviews must present works published in Portuguese in the area of History or related sciences. They must contain their own title in Portuguese and English, and present: editorial data, objectives and methodology, main arguments and conclusions. If citations are made, these must reference the exact page. Extrapolating the limits of a simple summary, the review must provide a critical analysis of the work, its impacts on historiography and inclusion in the debates on the topic addressed, in addition to the audience to which it is intended. There must not be an orientation relationship established between reviewer and reviewer. 

Privacy Statement

The names and addresses informed in this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication and are not available for other purposes or to third parties.