The Problem of Time in the Work of Art: Rereading Henri Focillon
Henri Focillon, Time, Shape, Art Historiography, ReinterpretationAbstract
The objective of this article is to reflect on how Henri Focillon treated time in the work of art, bringing into discussion the different critical interpretations the author received. To address such a problem, excerpts from three art historians – Hans Belting, Germain Bazin and Jacques Thuillier – were selected, and their different reinterpretations of Focillon’s thought were brought to the fore. The artwork was expressed in an active link with time; it would constitute an act of freedom at the same time it could be deliberated by other events in History. Becoming evident through a paradoxical movement, the problem of time, in Focillon, was received in a divergent way by later authors, with no interpretive consensus.
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