The Performative Acts and the Construction of Events in Performance




Action, Event, Performative Utterances, Performance, Simulation


The objective of this article is to study philosophical theories about “performative statements” and the artworks Leap into the void by Yves Klein and Action Pants: Genital Panic by VALIE EXPORT, analyzing distinct forms by which the events are triggered in the performance. According to the theories about performative utterances proposed by John Austin and Jacques Derrida, the artist has the power to define the real through his visual and dialectical discourses, in which the action is structured from a previously constructed documentation, understood as real and legitimate by the institution of art. Just like it is evidenced in the artworks of Klein and EXPORT through the diffuse transit of a simulated performance and a performance held in an "agora".


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Author Biography

  • Andrés Felipe Restrepo Suárez, Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), Brazil

    Andrés Felipe Restrepo Suárez nasceu na Colômbia. Em 2012, realizou um intercâmbio acadêmico na Universidade de São Paulo (USP). No ano de 2014, finalizou seu bacharelado em “Maestro en artes plásticas" na Universidad de Caldas, Colômbia. Em 2020, começou os estudos de pós-graduação no Instituto de Artes da Universidade Estadual Paulista (IA-UNESP) na linha de Processos e Procedimentos Artísticos. Suárez tem participado em diferentes residências de artistas nacionais e internacionais, além de múltiplas exposições coletivas e individuais, bienais, salões regionais e nacionais.


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How to Cite

Suárez, A. F. R. . (2021). The Performative Acts and the Construction of Events in Performance. ARS, 19(42), 1087-1119.