Cildo Meireles and Econony’s Reform From Zero
Money, Monetary System, Contemporary Art, Cildo MeirelesAbstract
The international monetary system must undergo radical transformations due to the competition of digital currencies and the emergence of a new multipolar order. In order to propose an alternative concept of money, in this article we will revisit the
works of Cildo Meireles that deal with money, especially Zero Dólar (1978-1984), Zero Cruzeiro (1974) and Zero Real (2013), all belonging to the project Insertions in Anthropological Circuits. The Brazilian artist proposes a reform “from scratch” of the economy, in which the relationships between currency and matter, between trust and reputation, between creation and circulation of value are questioned. It is a utopia of monetary exchange, irreducible to the financial tyranny of speculation and indebtedness.
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