Irene Buarque in the 1980s: Contacts and Crossovers between Lisbon and São Paulo on Experimental Art
Irene Buarque, Brazil, Portugal, Experimental Art, Transatlantic Art ExchangesAbstract
The Brazilian artist Irene Buarque arrived in Lisbon in 1973. In those 1970s, her evolution from painting to experimentation was recorded in a sequence of metaphorical motifs – the wall, the window, the step – from which her experience as a woman artist and migrant between two dictatorships can be observed. She became important in the network of experimental artists in Portugal, participating in exhibitions and as founder of the gallery-cooperative Diferença. Throughout the 1980s, in addition to her individual practice, Buarque coordinated several exhibitions of artists from Portugal working in the field of experimentation at the MAC of the Universidade de São Paulo. By encouraging exchanges, her catalytic agency served to build a transatlantic bridge that overcame the lack of official artistic relations between the two countries.
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