State and theatrical funding: notes for a class perspective


  • Fernando Bustamante Universidade de São Paulo



Theatre and public funding, Theatre and State, Counter-hegemonic theatre, Theatre and capitalism, Worker’s theatre


Briefly discussing some historical experiences of theatrical movements linked to the working class or to a popular perspective opposed to the ruling class and capitalist values, both internationally and in Brazil – retracing its genealogy from Antoine’s Théâtre Libre to the Arte contra a Barbárie movement of the theatre groups in São Paulo – the article aims to discuss that the state funding of such initiatives is necessarily exceptional and, due to the nature of the capitalist State itself, is unable to be sustained for long periods. Points out to the perspective of an organic binding to the working class organized movement as the solution for fostering such theatrical production.


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Author Biography

  • Fernando Bustamante, Universidade de São Paulo

    Doutorando pela FFLCH/USP. Pesquisa em andamento com conclusão em 2022. Estudos Linguísticos e Literários em Inglês sob orientação da Profa. Dra. Maria Silvia Betti. Bolsista CAPES.



How to Cite

Bustamante, F. (2019). State and theatrical funding: notes for a class perspective. Revista Aspas, 9(2), 84-98.