Métodos de identificação de Bactérias do Gênero Salmonella


  • Lucas de Assumpção Instituto de Higiene de São Paulo




The A. Describes the various methods for the isolation and identification of the genus Salmonella To simplifly the exposition the subject is divided under four headings> I--- considerations on the characteristics of the genus Salmonella; II --- methods for enrichment and isolation; III --- biochemical tests for the detection of the fenus Salmonella, IV --- serological classification in accordance with the DAUFFMANN-WHITE scheme. The first part gives a summary of the changes observed from year tho year in the definition of the genus Salmonella. the A. believes that the criteriou most gyenerally accepted is based on o9ne hand on the biochemical characteristics which up to a point. limit the genus and also on the study of their antigenic constituion. The methods of enrichmente such as those of KAUFFMANN and LEIFSON-SELENITO-F. are studied in the second part also isolation methods such as lactose- rosolic acid. KRISTENSEN-LESTER and JURGENS (modified by HORMAECHE)and the agar-lactose-sacchorose-brilliant-green-rosólic-acid method. This last suggested by A. renders difficult the growth of B. proteus and coli. The biochemical tests are considered in the third part, under the sub-division of preliminary and complete biochemical testes. In the fourth and last part the A. studies the serological classification and the technique for the preparation of pure factor antigens and also a brief investigation of the various antigens of greater importance included in the KAUFFMANN-WHITE scheme.


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How to Cite

Métodos de identificação de Bactérias do Gênero Salmonella. (1945). Boletim Do Instituto De Higiene De São Paulo, 85, 3-37. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2359-537X.v0i85p3-37