Author Guidelines
The Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Research and Animal Science (BJVRAS) is published quarterly, exclusively online, and in English. The BJVRAS is linked to the School of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science, University of São Paulo (SP, Brazil), being supported by the Veterinary Medicine Foundation (FUMVET). The BJVRAS is intended to publish scientific studies on veterinary medicine and related sciences.
The manuscripts sent for publication are subject to approval by the editorial board, who is assisted by experts in the field (peer review). The list with names of collaborators (reviewers) of the BJVRAS is published annually when the volume is closed. The manuscripts whose texts need revision or corrections that cannot be made by our editors will be returned to the authors. The studies accepted for publication become property of the BJVRAS. The authors are responsible for the concepts and information contained in their articles. The studies involving animal use must have the experimental protocol approved by the Ethics Committee. Irrespective of the type of study, it should be original and sent only to the BJVRAS. The manuscripts for publication should be submitted at the USP journals portal, at the following URL:
The copyright law requires that the authors provide permission for the BJVRAS to use materials (including figures, tables, and images) posted by others journals or publishers. When the article publication was approved the Journal will send a letter of ownerships rights transference to the Authors that will be signed and included in the system as a supplemental archive.
After the manuscript is accepted, an R$ 1250.00 (one thousand two hundred and fifty reais) fee will be charged. All procedures necessary to publish the article will begin after the fee is paid.
As part of the submission process, the authors should ensure that their submission complies with all items listed below. Submissions that are not in agreement with the rules will be returned to the authors.
- The contribution is original and unpublished.
- The English text was edited by a professional tested [in scientific manuscripts] and the voucher was attached.
- The "Guidelines for Authors" were completely followed.
- The figures and tables are inserted after the reference list in the same file.
- The experimental protocol approved by the Ethics Committee was attached.
- Be written in English.
- Be limited to a maximum of fifteen typed pages, not counting the final pages where tables and illustrations are included.
- Contain only official nomenclatures and consecrated abbreviations, not using abbreviations in the title of the article.
- Be structured within the following items:
a) Title in English and Portuguese;
b) Authors and institutional affiliation;
c) Abstract/Keywords and Resumo/Palavras-chave(limited to five);
d) Introduction;
e) Materials and Methods;
f) Results;
g) Discussion (the "Results" and "Discussion" topics may be combined, if appropriate);
h) Conclusion;
i) Acknowledgements;
j) References.
- Be written in English.
- Be limited to the maximum of five typed pages.
- Use only official nomenclatures and consecrated abbreviations, not using abbreviations in the title of the article.
- Not be divided into separate sections (Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, etc.), but include two abstracts (English and Portuguese), Keywords /Palavras-chave, and references.
It will be published by acknowledgeable specialists at the invitation of the editorial board.
They must not be divided into separate sections:
- Introduction
- Materials and Methods.
- Results, etc.
- Include two abstracts (English and Portuguese).
- Keywords/Palavras-chave.
- References.
* When the article is originated from a dissertation or thesis, the authors must mention it in a footnote.
Digitation: Word document, A4 format, 1.5-line spacing, 2-cm margins, and Times New Roman (12) fonts.
Cover page: is a mandatory element that should contain the article title (in English and Portuguese), author’s full names (no abbreviations), home institutions (in Portuguese), and e-mail address of all authors. The corresponding author should indicate the full institutional address.
Language: the manuscripts must be written in English. The authors must provide a professional tested in scientific manuscripts, who revise the text and issue a certificate of revision, and pay for his/her service.
Tables: must be numbered with Arabic numerals and headed by a title, followed by time and place. The limit number of tables per manuscript is five. This number may be exceeded in exceptional cases, depending on the editorial board opinion. For table citation in the text, write its name in full as follows: use initial uppercase letter if the word is between brackets [e.g., "(Table 1)"] and lowercase letter if the word is part of the text [e.g., "table 1"]. Tables should be inserted in the manuscript file just after the reference list.
Figures (photographs, graphs, pictures, drawings, or schemes): should be consecutively numbered with Arabic numerals and cited in the text. Illustrations should be identified (title and source) when done by the authors themselves. Graphs should always show the numbers corresponding to the points. For illustration citation in the text, write its name in full as follows: use initial uppercase letter if the word is between parentheses [e.g., "(Figure 1)"] and lowercase letter if the word is part of the text [e.g., "figure 1"]. Figures should also be inserted in the manuscript file just after the references list.
Acknowledgements are made at the discretion of authors. In this item, citing the project funding agency is recommended, if any.
- References must be written according to Vancouver Style, except for numbering: the journal does not accept numbered references.
- The journal titles must be abbreviated according to the Index Medicus/Medline:
- In the list of references, all authors’ names must be included.
- If the articles cited in the manuscript have title and abstract available in more than one language, the English version must be used.
- Citations of abstracts of findings presented at meetings are not accepted in the references.
- References are arranged alphabetically and listed at the end of the manuscript.
- The Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Research and Animal Science style is available in Mendeley and Zotero software.
In order to cite document types not found in the following examples, authors are advised to consult the issues already published.
Journal articles
Mähler M, Berard M, Feinstein R, Gallagher A, Illgen-Wilcke B, Pritchett-Corning K, Raspa M. FELASA recommendations for the health monitoring of mouse, rat,hamster, guinea pig and rabbit colonies in breeding and experimental units. Lab Anim. 2014;48(3):178-92. PMid:24496575
Boon JA. Veterinary echocardiography. 2nd ed. Ames, Iowa: Wiley-Blackwell; 2011.
Different authors for book and chapter
Ackermann MR. Inflammation and healing. In: Zachary JF, McGavin MD. Pathologic basis of veterinary disease. 5th ed. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier; 2012. p. 89-146.
Same author for book and chapter
Boon JA. Veterinary echocardiography. 2nd ed. Ames, Iowa: Wiley-Blackwell; 2011. Chapter 4, Evaluation of size, function, and hemodynamics; p. 153-266.
Molina CV. Pathogen surveillance (Leptospira spp., Rotavirus, Hepatitis E virus and Norovirus) in a wild golden-headed lion tamarin (Leontopithecus chrysomelas) population from an urban Atlantic Forest park in Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil [thesis]. São Paulo: Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia; 2018. 137 s.
Legal sources
Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento (Brasil). Instrução normativa n. 31, de 29 de junho de 2018. Diário Oficial da União [Internet]. Brasília; 2018 jul 2 [cited 2019 Apr 15]. Available from:
Citations in the text must be presented in the (Author, date) format, e.g., "(Santos, 2001)." If the citation is part of the text, initial caps letters should be used, e.g., "Santos (2001)." Two or more citations should be placed in ascending chronological order and separated by semicolons.
One author – the author's last name and date
Valberg (1996) or (Vieira, 1991)
Two authors – the authors’ last names and date
Strunk & White (1979) or (Strunk & White, 1979)
Three or more authors – first author's last name followed by the non-italicized “et al.” expression
Carvalho et al. (2003) or (Carvalho et al., 2003)
Submission Preparation Checklist
All submissions must meet the following requirements.
- The contribution is original and unpublished.
- The English text was edited by a professional tested [in scientific manuscripts] and the voucher was attached.
- The "Guidelines for Authors" were completely followed.
- The figures and tables are inserted after the reference list in the same file.
- The experimental protocol approved by the Ethics Committee was attached.
- The article type (Full Article, Review Article or Preliminary Note / Case Report) was identified before the document title and text.
Copyright Notice
The journal content is authorized under the Creative Commons BY-NC-SA license (summary of the license: https://
Privacy Statement
The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and is not available for other purposes or to third parties.