About the Journal

Focus and Scope
A Cadernos de Campo - a journal of postgraduate students in social anthropology at USP is a semiannual publication dedicated to disseminating papers on topics, research results and theoretical-methodological models of interest to the contemporary anthropological debate that may contribute to the research at the graduate level, both at home and abroad. The journal periodically accepts contributions in the following formats: articles and unpublished essays, translations, reviews, interviews and aesthetic productions.

Created in 1991, Cadernos de Campo is the result of the continued efforts of graduate students at the University of São Paulo to produce a journal of quality and relevance for academic debate. With the original objective of disseminating the production of the student body of the Graduate Program in Social Anthropology of the University of São Paulo (PPGAS / USP), the journal has become, during those years, an important national and international journal.


Free Access Policy
This journal offers immediate free access to its content, following the principle that providing free scientific knowledge to the public provides greater global democratization of knowledge.

- University of São Paulo - Agência AGUIA
- Department of Anthropology, University of São Paulo

Digital archiving Police

This journal is digitally archived in the Biblioteca Nacional and Agência AGUIA's database. 

Journal History
Created in 1991, Cadernos de Campo is the result of the continued efforts of students and students of the postgraduate program in social anthropology of the University of São Paulo in the quest to produce a magazine of quality and relevance for academic debate. With the original objective of disseminating the production of the student body of the Postgraduate Program in Social Anthropology of the University of São Paulo (PPGAS / USP), the journal has become, during those years, an important national and international journal.


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Cadernos de Campo has its metadata indexed in the following national and international databases:

CAPES Journals | Diadorim |  CLASELatindex | Sumários.org | Ulrich’s | Ibict-SEER 



 Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.