Call for book reviews forthcomming issues


Cadernos de Campo makes public the call for interested parties to contribute with the publication of reviews of titles selected to the 2020-2021 Book Reviews Project. The project is interested in the democratization of access to knowledge and the promotion of debate in the field of Social Sciences and, specifically the anthropological debate. It will be possible through the dissemination of works published in Brazil and abroad and the critical reading of this recent production.

Participation is open to all and everyone who has an interest in the titles offered by the journal. The selection of reviewers will adopt as criteria the thematic affinity between research interests and activities of candidates and candidates from the analysis of the resume. Aspects related to the level of formation and institutional affiliation will also be considered in order to privilege a greater diversity in the composition of the reviewers.

The participation in this call for proposals is open to those who feel interested in contributing to the journal and are in accordance with the norms expressed in the general term incorporated below. Those interested may register from November 20th to December 10th, 2020.

The result will be published in up to 15 days after the conclusion of the submission period. The submission of the reviews will be scheduled with the selected reviewers. Reviewers commit to producing the review in the agreed period, also assuming the applicable responsibilities for the non-fulfilment of the agreement.

Any questions can be directed to

Click here to apply (form available only in Brazilian Portuguese)

Available books

Títulos disponíveis

Ana Ramos-Zayas (2020). Parenting Empires: class, whiteness, and the moral economy of privilege in Latin America. Durham: Duke University Press, 282pp. (e-book)

Dominique Gallois e Valéria Macedo (2018). Nas redes guarani: saberes, traduções e transformações. São Paulo: Hedra. 288pp.

Frédéric Keck (2020). Avian Reservoirs: virus hunters and birdwatchers in Chinese sentinel posts. Durham: Duke University Press, 256pp. (e-book)

Marilyn Strathern (2020). "Relations: an anthropological account". Durham: Duke University Press, 288pp.  (e-book)

Pajés Parahiteri. (2016). "Naroriwë: o surgimento dos pássaros". São Paulo: Hedra, 120pp.

Rafael Pacheco (Org). (2020). "Fica na aldeia, parente". São Paulo: Primata, 332pp.

Renata Souza (2020). "Cria da Favela: Resistência à militarização da vida". São Paulo: Boitempo Editorial. 305pp.

Rosana Castro. (2020). Economias políticas da doença e da saúde: população, raça e letalidade na experimentação farmacêutica. São Paulo: HUCITEC. 379pp.

Rosana Pinheiro-Machado. (2019). Amanhã vai ser maior: que aconteceu com o Brasil e possíveis rotas de fuga para a crise atual. São Paulo: Planeta. 192pp