Imagem, alteridade e autonomia subalterna: nota sobre a sobrevivência dos estereótipos nas representações estrangeiras do Brasil


  • Paulo Carneiro da Cunha Filho UFPE



identity (ies), alterity, mediatic culture


This text studies, inspired in authors as Saïd, Bhabha and Spivak, among others, the many levels of tension involved in foreigners representations about Brazil and brazilian people. We observe a broad perspective, ranging from cinema to videoclip, going to the comics and on to the production of the luso-brazilian actress and singer, Carmen Miranda to the one of the New York rapper Snoop Doog, going to the movie maker Marcel Camus. Our concern is always try to include all these references in the framework of our contemporary cultural situation and to observe the conection between such framework and the industrial and post-industrial
media. This work assumes as hypothesis that at least one of the referred
representations are established on the basis of a common structure (nominate here as subaltern autonomy). This should be verified despite the different levels of adherence to the media or the levels of social commitment. The subaltern autonomy generates, outside of Brazil, stereotypes originated within the very brazilian culture. This fact would reinforce the complex dialectics of identity affirmation and the survival of colonialism.


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Author Biography

  • Paulo Carneiro da Cunha Filho, UFPE
    Programa de Pós-graduação em Comunicação da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (PPGCOM-UFPE).






How to Cite

Imagem, alteridade e autonomia subalterna: nota sobre a sobrevivência dos estereótipos nas representações estrangeiras do Brasil. (2006). Caligrama (São Paulo. Online), 2(2).